**Construction Project “A Roof for the Children in Dacia/Stein”: Construction Site Update and Funding Status**

**A Roof for the Children in Dacia/Stein: Construction Site Update and Funding Status**

The third week of the construction project is coming to an end, and there have been some exciting developments. Thomas and his family have been helping on-site, while Andreas and his family are still expected to arrive. Despite minor mishaps, such as the breakage of a ridge tile, solutions were quickly found thanks to the commitment of Jana and Falko.

**Challenges and On-Site Assistance**

The construction site does not always run smoothly, and unforeseen problems can occur. In such moments, it is crucial that the team on-site can react quickly and find solutions. Fortunately, in this case, the required materials could be procured in time to not delay the progress of the project.

**Urgent Need for Financial Support**

Despite the dedicated efforts of all involved, there is still a shortfall of around 28000 Euros to complete the final financing of the project. This money is needed to settle outstanding bills and complete the construction work. The community’s support is therefore still essential to successfully conclude the project and provide a safe home for the children in Dacia/Stein.

**On-Site Commitment and Call for Donations**

Special thanks go to Cora, who spends a large part of her summer holidays on-site and actively helps. Her commitment is exemplary and shows how important the personal commitment of each individual is for the success of the project. Every donation, whether financial or by sharing the project on social media, helps to achieve the goal.

**Support Opportunities and Solidarity**

There are various ways to support the construction project and the children in Dacia/Stein. In addition to financial donations, sharing the project and contributing your own ideas and opinions is important. The community’s cohesion and solidarity are crucial to successfully complete the project and provide the children with a better future.

**Together Strong for the Children in Dacia/Stein**

The construction project “A Roof for the Children in Dacia/Stein” shows what is possible when people come together for a good cause. Every contribution, no matter how small, makes a big difference in the lives of the children and helps to sustainably improve their situation. Let’s continue to fight together for a better future for the children in Dacia/Stein.

**Diverse Support Opportunities**

There are many ways to support the construction project, whether through financial donations, voluntary commitment on-site, or sharing the project on social media. Every form of support is valuable and helps to achieve the goal of providing the children in Dacia/Stein with a safe and stable home. Let’s stand together for this.

**A Sign of Solidarity**

The construction project “A Roof for the Children in Dacia/Stein” is not just a construction site, but also a symbol of solidarity, cohesion, and compassion. It shows that it is possible to make a big difference together and to sustainably improve the lives of children. Let’s carry this sign of hope forward and fight together for a better future.

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