**Unforgettable Day at the Dinosaur Park: Children of the Inclusive School Project in Dacia/Stein Experience Fun and Learning**

**A Day at the Dinosaur Park: An Unforgettable Experience for the Children of the Inclusive School Project in Dacia/Stein**

The children of the inclusive school project in Dacia/Stein recently had the opportunity to take an exciting day trip to the dinosaur park. After an almost one-and-a-half-hour journey to and from, the expedition participants arrived home happy and healthy. The day was marked by astonishment, fear, and shivers in front of the large and unknown dinosaurs. In addition to the impressive dinosaurs, there were also many fun and beautiful places to play.

**Fun and Learning at the Dinosaur Park**

While the children played and enjoyed the time, they unconsciously learned many new things in a way that clearly gave them pleasure. The support, accompaniment, and financial help from Inka, Maria, Elvira, and the children’s parents from the project made this unforgettable excursion possible. The children returned home in the evening happy but also exhausted, full of new impressions and experiences.

**Summer Activities and Upcoming Surprises**

Although the summer holidays are slowly coming to an end, the children from Dacia/Stein still have some surprises and activities ahead of them. The coming days promise more exciting experiences and adventures. The children are looking forward to what they will experience before the new school year begins.

**How You Can Help**

There are various ways you can support the inclusive school project in Dacia/Stein:
1. Share this post to raise awareness of the project.
2. Let us know your opinion in the comments and share your thoughts.
3. Become a sponsor of one of the children in the school project and support them on their educational journey.
4. Support the project through a bank transfer to Jonathan e.V.
5. Start a birthday fundraising campaign to collect donations for the school project.
6. Donate for “A Roof for the Children in Dacia” via betterplace.org/p114993.

The support and solidarity of the community are crucial for the success of the school project and the promotion of the children in Dacia/Stein. Every contribution, whether through donations, sponsorships, or sharing information, helps to provide the children with a better future. Show your support and be part of this valuable initiative!

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* Jonathan e.V.
* IBAN: DE38 3506 0190 1626 7700 25
* Verwendunszweck: Schulprojekt
4. Für „Ein Dach für die Kinder in Dacia
spendet hier: betterplace.org/p114993