**Winter in the School Project: Innovative Solution for Water Shortage until Easter**

**No water in the school project from the end of October until Easter**

So far, the school project from the end of October until Easter lacked water, which led to an unpleasant winter experience for the children and Elvira. The toilet in the house could not be used, and for the most basic needs, water had to be fetched from the village well. But now there is a solution: By installing a low-energy heating system in the basement, sealing the windows, and insulating the pipes, the winter in the school project is set to become more pleasant. This article explains the background of the problem and the measures taken to solve it.

**A creative solution for an everyday problem**

The idea of equipping the entire piping system in the basement with a low-energy heating system came from Klaus, a participant in the construction deployment. This measure should ensure that the water pipes do not freeze and that the children and Elvira can enjoy the winter in the school project without restrictions. The ability to use the toilet in the house, have warm dishwashing water, and use the washing machine significantly eases everyday life in the school project.

**Support is welcome**

The total cost of this project amounts to about 150 euros. If you would like to support this project, you are welcome to contribute. Donations can be transferred to the specified donation account under the keyword “Winter Water”. If you would like a donation receipt, you can send your contact details to kontakt@copiii-europei.org. Any amount, large or small, is welcome and will help improve living conditions in the school project.

**A meaningful investment in the future**

The project to make water available in the school project even during the winter months is not just a short-term solution, but also an investment in the future. By creating more pleasant conditions in the school project, the children and Elvira can not only better survive the current winter, but also benefit from the improved facilities in the long term. Every contribution, whether financial or through on-site support, helps to enable this positive change.

**The importance of support and cohesion**

In difficult times like these, it is especially important to stand together and support each other. The school project shows that with creative ideas and community help, even seemingly insurmountable problems can be overcome. The solidarity and support of people like you make it possible for children and families in difficult situations to experience hope and help. Your donation is a sign of connectedness and shared responsibility for each other.

**A call for solidarity**

The school project’s appeal to bridge the winter months with water is a call for solidarity and support. By acting together and advocating for the welfare of others, we can bring about positive changes and contribute to ensuring that everyone receives the necessary resources and support. Every contribution counts and makes a difference. Let’s work together to ensure that children and families in need get the help and support they need.


Overall, this project shows how important it is to stick together in difficult times and find solutions to ensure the well-being of children and families. Through creative ideas, financial support, and community action, we can help find solutions even in challenging situations like a water shortage in the school project. Every contribution, whether large or small, is valuable and helps improve the lives of people in need.

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