**Water Crisis in Dacia/Stein: Romania Struggles with Persistent Drought**

**Romania suffers from persistent drought**

Some time ago, a Romanian newspaper headlined “Romania is burning”, alluding to the high temperatures in the country. However, the persistent drought also leaves its mark in Dacia/Stein. The situation there is extremely problematic for the residents and especially for the animals in the village. The watering troughs are empty, and even the central water pipe only works a few hours a day.

**Water crisis in Dacia/Stein**

The current water problems have serious consequences for humans and animals. Many are forced to use water from superficial wells, which is not actually suitable for consumption. This can lead to increased gastrointestinal diseases. Elvira was lucky until yesterday and was able to fetch water from another village, but the situation remains precarious.

The hope now rests on the arrival of rain and the water pipes functioning normally again. In the past, construction of a central water supply had already begun, but the work was stopped after the elections. The former mayor, who initiated the project, was not re-elected.

**Ways to help**

There are various ways to help the people in Dacia/Stein. This includes sharing information, expressing opinions in the comments, and supporting the school project through sponsorship. Donations via bank transfer are also welcome to improve the situation on site.

Another option is to start birthday fundraising campaigns or donate directly to the project “A Roof for the Children in Dacia”. Any form of support is important to stand by the residents of Dacia/Stein in these difficult times.

Overall, the situation in Dacia/Stein is alarming, and the residents urgently need help. Awareness of the water crisis in Romania should be raised in order to find long-term solutions and support the community in Dacia/Stein. Every contribution, whether in the form of donations, sponsorships, or simply sharing information, can make a big difference.

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* Jonathan e.V.
* IBAN: DE38 3506 0190 1626 7700 25
* Verwendunszweck: Schulprojekt
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