**Travel Report Romania: Special Experience with Henry in the School Project**

**Travel Report from Romania: A Special Experience with Henry**

In this travel report by Dani and Henry, they share their stay in Romania in July of this year. The trip had a special purpose: the transport of donations by car and trailer, and the support of roof work on a school project. A special feature was that Daniel’s twelve-year-old son Henry accompanied him. The trip to Romania was a big challenge for the boy, but he mastered it brilliantly. In the following days, they helped distribute the donations and store the old roof tiles. Henry got to know village life and everyday life in Romania.

**Encounter at the Education and Meeting Center**

During their stay, they had the opportunity to meet the children of the school project. A special highlight was the afternoon when the children were at the education and meeting center and baked pizza together with Henry. Despite initial language barriers, the children and Henry managed to communicate with each other. A spontaneous football game with the children of the school project created a cheerful atmosphere and a lot of fun. The game ended in a draw of 4:4, and communication worked almost smoothly, even with improvised football goals and flip-flops as football shoes.

**Return to Germany and How to Help**

After a wonderful time in Romania, Dani and Henry returned to Germany. If you also want to help, there are various ways to get involved. You can like and share the post, leave your opinion in the comments, and make monetary donations via Paypal or bank transfer to Jonathan e.V. with the purpose “School Project”. There is also the option to donate to the project “A Roof for the Children in Dacia” on betterplace.org.

If you want to learn more about their trip and the opportunities to support, you can contact them at kontakt@jonathan-ev.de. The travel report shows how valuable it is to volunteer and help others. Romania is a country with many social challenges, but also with warm-hearted people and beautiful landscapes. The encounters with the children of the school project deeply impressed Dani and Henry and showed how important it is to provide education and support for disadvantaged children.

Overall, the trip to Romania was an unforgettable experience for Dani and Henry, leaving them with many valuable experiences and memories. Supporting the school project and meeting the children strengthened their commitment to social projects and motivated them to continue to actively help in the future. If you also want to do something good, you can make a contribution through donations or volunteer work and give other people a piece of hope and support.

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* Jonathan e.V.
* IBAN: DE38 3506 0190 1626 7700 25
* Verwendunszweck: Schulprojekt
4. Für „Ein Dach für die Kinder in Dacia
spendet hier: betterplace.org/p114993