**Travel report by Dorothee from the summer of 2024**
In part 3 of Dorothee’s travel report from the summer of 2024, she shares the impressions and experiences she gathered in Romania. She describes how, through many fundraising activities and the support of many people, she was already able to see positive changes in the country’s schools and institutions. She was particularly impressed by the generosity and helpfulness of the local people.
**The Importance of Donations and Local Assistance**
Dorothee explains how important it is to help people directly on the ground and provide support. She emphasizes that it’s not just about material donations like pens, but also about long-term projects such as financing meals for needy children. Every euro counts and can make a big difference.
**Challenges and Construction Sites on the Ground**
Despite the progress that has already been made, there are still many challenges and construction sites in Romania. Dorothee reports on the difficult living conditions of many people, especially in relation to heating rooms in winter. She calls for continued support and commitment to improving the living conditions of people in Romania.
**A Call for Solidarity and Assistance**
In her travel report, Dorothee makes an urgent appeal to all readers to show solidarity and help where help is needed. She emphasizes that it’s not just about material support, but also about interpersonal encounters and the exchange of experiences. Everyone can contribute to improving the situation on the ground.
**The Importance of Education and Equal Opportunities**
A central theme in Dorothee’s travel report is the importance of education and equal opportunities for all children. She describes how important it is to provide children in Romania with a good education and support them on their path. Through education, children can gain a better future perspective and improve their living situation in the long term.
**The Role of Volunteering and Commitment**
Dorothee highlights the importance of volunteering and commitment, emphasizing how important it is to actively advocate for others. She encourages readers to get involved in charitable projects and contribute to improving the living conditions of disadvantaged people. Everyone can make a difference if they commit to a good cause.
**Final Thoughts and Gratitude**
At the end of her travel report, Dorothee expresses her gratitude for the numerous supporters who accompanied her on her journey. She is grateful for the many positive encounters and experiences she was able to have in Romania and hopes that her report will help raise awareness of the situation on the ground and mobilize further help.
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