**Support the School Project in Romania: Wood for Stoves and Meals – How You Can Help!**

**Support for the School Project in Romania**

Winter is coming and the activities at the Education and Encounter Centre in Romania need to be moved back into the two classrooms. In order to learn and play in a pleasant atmosphere, 2 stoves are supplied with wood. The kitchen, where the meals are prepared, also needs wood. Every year, several cubic meters of wood are needed for this purpose.

**How You Can Help**

There are various ways you can support the school project. You can like and share the post to draw attention to the project. You can leave your opinion in the comments and inspire the community to participate. Another option is to become a food sponsor for the school project.

**Support Through Donations**

If you want to financially support the school project in Romania, you can donate via Paypal or bank transfer. The payment information is as follows: Jonathan e.V., BIC: DENODED1DKD, IBAN: DE38 3506 0190 1626 7700 25, Purpose: School Project. Your donation will contribute to providing the children at the Education and Encounter Centre with a better learning environment.

**Hashtags for the School Project**

Support the school project in Romania by using the hashtags #romania, #education, #childrensrights, #volunteering, #educationforall, #solidarity, #holidayoffers, #studentexchange, #sponsorship, #transylvania, #childaid, #schoolproject, #EncountersOrg, #Donation, #inclusion. By sharing and using these hashtags, you can help increase the project’s reach and gain more support.

**Summary of the School Project**

The school project at the Education and Encounter Centre in Romania needs support for supplying the stoves with wood and preparing meals in the kitchen. There are various ways you can help, such as by sharing the post, becoming a food sponsor, or making a financial donation. Use the hashtags to spread the project and mobilise more people to support it. Every bit of help counts in creating a better learning environment for the children at the Education and Encounter Centre.

Wenn ihr mehr wissen möchtet, kontaktiert uns gerne unter:

So könnt ihr helfen:

1. Liked und teilt diesen Beitrag
2. Lasst uns eure Meinung in den Kommentaren wissen
3. Spende per Paypal oder per Banküberweisung:
* Jonathan e.V.
* IBAN: DE38 3506 0190 1626 7700 25
* Verwendunszweck: Schulprojekt
4. Für „Ein Dach für die Kinder in Dacia
spendet hier: betterplace.org/p114993