**A Roof for the Children in Dacia – Support is Still Needed**
The third week of the construction project in Dacia/Stein is approaching, and the construction work is almost proceeding as planned. However, around 28000 Euros are still needed to complete the final financing of the project. This money is needed to pay off the loan taken out, the material costs incurred so far, and the roofing company. Support is still being requested to successfully complete the project and provide the children in Dacia/Stein with a stable roof over their heads.
**Thomas and Cora as Local Contacts**
The arrival of Thomas and his family is imminent, and they will support the third construction week as local contacts. Their commitment and presence are crucial for the smooth running of the construction work and the coordination of the various tasks. The joint work and commitment of all involved are invaluable for the success of the project. It is important that everyone works together and gives their best to achieve the goal.
There are various ways to support the construction project. One of them is sharing the post on social media to draw attention to the project and collect more donations. Sharing personal opinions and experiences can also help increase the willingness to donate. In addition, there is the option to become a sponsor of one of the children of the school project or to start a birthday donation campaign. Every contribution counts and helps to raise the missing money for the project.
**Various Ways of Support**
For those who want to donate directly, several options are available. In addition to the possibility of donating via the platform betterplace.org, a bank transfer can also be made. The data for the transfer are: Jonathan e.V., BIC: DENODED1DKD, IBAN: DE38 3506 0190 1626 7700 25. Every amount, large or small, is welcome and contributes to realizing the project and providing the children with a safe home.
Supporting the construction project in Dacia/Stein is not just a financial matter, but also a question of commitment and solidarity. Everyone who gets involved, whether through donations, sharing on social media, or personal commitment, makes an important contribution to the success of the project. It is wonderful to see people come together to collectively do something good and enable a better future for the children in Dacia/Stein.
In conclusion, it should be emphasized once again how important the support of the community is for the success of the construction project. Every contribution counts and makes a difference. Through the cooperation of individuals, organizations, and companies, it will be possible to raise the missing money and successfully complete the project. The children in Dacia/Stein will appreciate it and benefit from a stable and safe home, thanks to the generosity and commitment of all involved.
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* Jonathan e.V.
* IBAN: DE38 3506 0190 1626 7700 25
* Verwendunszweck: Schulprojekt
4. Für „Ein Dach für die Kinder in Dacia“
spendet hier: betterplace.org/p114993