**Renovation of the Education and Encounter Center in Dacia: Support by Jonathan e.V.**

**Renovation of the Education and Encounter Center in Dacia by Jonathan e.V.**

Last summer, the electrical system in the small bedroom of the Education and Encounter Center in Dacia was renewed thanks to the dedicated efforts of the 4×4 and Friends group. In the spring, the room was renovated, where members and supporters of Jonathan e.V. together with great love sanded the floor, renewed the plaster, painted, and hung curtains. Despite these efforts, the old stove was no longer usable, leaving the first guests to sleep in the cold room. However, thanks to a donation in October, a new stove could be purchased to make the room heatable again.

**Get active and help**

It’s great that the room can now be fully used again. If you want to learn more about the projects of Jonathan e.V. or want to help, you can contact the team at kontakt@jonathan-ev.de. There are various ways you can support. Like and share this post, let your opinion be known in the comments, or become a food sponsor for the school project. Donations are also welcome, either via Paypal or by bank transfer to Jonathan e.V. with the purpose “School project”. Alternatively, you can donate for “A Roof for the Children in Dacia” at betterplace.org/p114993.

Jonathan e.V. is committed to education, children’s rights, and solidarity in Romania. The organization offers holiday programs, student exchanges, sponsorships, and aid projects in Transylvania. Through donations and voluntary commitment, inclusive education projects are made possible that benefit children in Dacia. Any form of support is welcome to continue the important work of Jonathan e.V.

**Hashtags and Topics**

The use of hashtags such as #romania, #pedagogy, #childrensrights, and others in the social media posts of Jonathan e.V. helps to generate attention for the projects and increase the reach. The organization is committed to education for all, solidarity, and child aid. With donations and commitment, you can make a contribution to give children in Dacia a better future. Visit the Jonathan e.V. website to learn more about current projects and ways to support.

Overall, Jonathan e.V. does important work in the field of education and children’s rights in Romania. Through donations, sponsorships, and voluntary commitment, projects like the renovation of the Education and Encounter Center in Dacia are made possible. Every contribution counts and helps to sustainably improve the lives of children in Dacia. Become part of this valuable work and support Jonathan e.V. in their efforts for a better future for children in Romania.

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1. Liked und teilt diesen Beitrag
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3. Spende per Paypal oder per Banküberweisung:
* Jonathan e.V.
* IBAN: DE38 3506 0190 1626 7700 25
* Verwendunszweck: Schulprojekt
4. Für „Ein Dach für die Kinder in Dacia
spendet hier: betterplace.org/p114993