**Inclusive School Project: Parents’ Evening and Future Plans**
In an inclusive school project, it’s important that parents and children can participate in various activities together. This was demonstrated at the first parents’ evening of the school project, where parents were not only informed but were also actively involved in their children’s experiences. This creates a close bond between parents, children, and the school project.
**Project Development under New Leadership**
Under the leadership of Valerica, the project is to be further developed, with Montessori pedagogy playing a larger role. This educational concept places great emphasis on the individual development of children and promotes their independence. Future projects such as an autumn project with various offers and a Christmas concert are planned, where the children will perform song visits for the elderly.
**Involvement of Parents and Their Support in the Project**
Another important topic of the parents’ evening was the integration of parents into the school project. Ideas were discussed on how parents can get more involved, for example in cleaning work, gardening, or woodworking. The active participation of parents not only strengthens the community but also promotes a sense of belonging.
**Support and Engagement of Parents Needed**
In order to successfully continue the school project, the support and engagement of parents are of great importance. By sharing information, expressing opinions in the comments, and taking on sponsorships for children of the project, parents can actively contribute to achieving the goals of the school project. Organizing birthday donation campaigns can also be a way to financially support the project.
**Opportunities for Support and Participation in the School Project**
There are various ways in which parents and interested parties can support the inclusive school project. This includes sharing posts on social media, expressing opinions and ideas in the comments, and starting birthday donation campaigns. In addition, parents can also sponsor one of the children and thus directly contribute to the promotion and support of the project.
**Hashtags and Topics of the School Project**
The school project advocates important topics such as democracy, pedagogy, humanitarian aid, children’s rights, and human rights. By using hashtags like #MONTESORIE, #Democracy, #childaid, and #inclusion, these concerns are spread on social media and attention is drawn to the school project. The support and solidarity of the community are of great importance for the success of the project.
**Concluding Words**
The inclusive school project thrives on the active participation of parents, children, and the community. Through joint activities, such as the parents’ evening, and the involvement of parents in project work, a strong community is created that stands up for important values and goals. With support and commitment, the school project can continue to grow and have a positive influence on the development of children and society.
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