**Back to school in Romania: A new school year begins!**
The new school year has started and summer holidays are over in Romania too. The children have unpacked their school notebooks and are ready for new challenges. Valerica, the new teacher, welcomed the children together with Elvira. The inclusive school project is very popular, with currently 21 children participating daily. Despite the great interest, no additional children need to be admitted for now, but a solution is already being worked on.
**Collaboration of the Big and Small – Preparation for the New School Year**
The children, together with the supervisors, prepared the rooms and materials for the start of school. After everything was made school-ready, some small academic tasks were on the agenda to gently start the new school year. In the end, they played together and enjoyed the prepared food.
The pictures show the cheerful faces of the children and the colorful hustle and bustle in the school project. It’s nice to see how committed and motivated they are to embrace the new school year. The atmosphere seems to be warm and supportive, which is crucial for a successful learning environment.
**A Place of Inclusion and Support for All Children**
The inclusive school project offers the children not only education but also a safe place where they can develop. The supervisors are very committed to ensuring that each child is individually promoted. The diversity of the children and their different needs are respected and appreciated.
Social interaction and togetherness play a big role in everyday school life. The children not only learn from each other but also with each other. Great importance is placed on teamwork, empathy, and mutual respect. These values shape not only everyday school life but also living together in the community.
**Thanks to All Supporters and Donors**
Without the generous support of donors, this school project would not be possible. The financial resources make it possible to provide the children with high-quality education and care. Every contribution counts and makes a crucial difference in the lives of these children.
Collaboration with volunteers and democratic organizations contributes to the continuous development and improvement of the school project. The use of professionals and volunteer helpers ensures that the needs of the children are optimally met.
**Final Thoughts and Outlook for the Coming School Year**
The new school year has started promisingly and the children are full of energy and curiosity. It is inspiring to see how they embark on the educational journey together and learn from each other. The inclusive school project is a place of diversity, community, and respectful interaction.
We look forward to the coming months and are curious about the new experiences and challenges the school year will bring. With the support of the community and committed individuals, we are confident that we can achieve a lot together and provide the children with a hopeful future.
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