**Encounters in the Inclusive School Project in Dacia/ Stein**
The inclusive school project in Dacia was launched in 2010 to support up to 20 children. Four days a week, the children receive tutoring, help with homework, cook together, play, laugh, dance, sing and learn. The project enables encounters with German and Romanian children and youth groups, as well as other supporters, enriching the children’s daily lives. Jonathan e.V. has been funding the school project from the beginning and relies on the generous support and donations of many people.
**Support for the School Project in Dacia**
The monthly fixed costs for food, rent, teachers, housekeeping, electricity, internet, and gas amount to about 800€. To support the school project in Dacia, interested parties can help in various ways. These include sharing and liking the post, leaving comments, and donating via Paypal or bank transfer to Jonathan e.V. Donations are accepted under the purpose “School Project”. For specific donations for “A Roof for the Children in Dacia”, you can donate at betterplace.org/p114993.
**Opportunities for Support**
Support for the school project in Dacia can take many forms. In addition to financial donations, interested parties can also contribute by sharing and liking the post on social media platforms to increase the project’s visibility. By leaving comments, opinions and feedback on the school project’s work can be shared, which can contribute to positive development.
**Community Involvement**
The school project in Dacia relies on community involvement to provide comprehensive support to the children. Encounters with various children and youth groups, as well as other supporters, provide the children with a diverse experience. The collaboration with Jonathan e.V. and other organizations helps ensure the project’s long-term success.
**Effective Donation Opportunities**
Through targeted donation campaigns and regular support, the school project in Dacia can be secured in the long term. The monthly fixed costs must be covered to provide the children with continuous care and promotion. Donations to Jonathan e.V. help ensure the project’s continued successful implementation and provide the children with a perspective for the future.
**Supporting Education for All**
The school project in Dacia advocates for education for all children and enables the children to develop their potential. With the support of Jonathan e.V. and other donors, the children in Dacia can experience loving care and promotion. Donations contribute to the children receiving better educational opportunities and improving their future prospects.
The inclusive school project in Dacia provides children with loving care, education, and daily support. With the support of Jonathan e.V. and other donors, the monthly fixed costs can be covered to provide the children with continuous promotion. With targeted donation campaigns and community involvement, the school project can be successful in the long term and provide the children with a better future perspective. Get involved and support the school project in Dacia to provide the children with a hopeful future.
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* Jonathan e.V.
* IBAN: DE38 3506 0190 1626 7700 25
* Verwendunszweck: Schulprojekt
4. Für „Ein Dach für die Kinder in Dacia“
spendet hier: betterplace.org/p114993