**Art from Stones: A Magical Afternoon in the Inclusive School Project**
On this Friday, 18 children in the inclusive school project, led by Inka, transformed ordinary stones into true works of art. There was also a special surprise in the form of a visit from Maria, a former teacher, who spent the afternoon with the children. The children enjoyed the creative time and let their imagination run wild to create unique works of art.
**Visit from Maria and Inclusive School Project**
Maria, an old acquaintance and former teacher, surprised the children in the inclusive school project with her visit. Together with the children, she spent a magical afternoon, in which they demonstrated their artistic skills. The children not only enjoyed the time with Maria, but also the opportunity to express their creativity and create works of art from stones.
**Preparation for the Dangerous Expedition and Support Opportunities**
Next Monday, the children of the school project are facing a dangerous expedition, where they will embark on a journey of about 80 km. The starting signal will be given early in the morning at the Education and Encounter Centre. To support the school project and the children, there are various ways you can help. These include sharing the post, leaving comments, sponsoring a child, as well as donations by bank transfer or organizing a birthday donation campaign.
The support opportunities range from simple actions like sharing the post and leaving comments to sponsoring one of the children in the school project. There is also the possibility to support the school project through a bank transfer or to start a birthday donation campaign. Every contribution counts and helps to enable a better future for the children in the school project.
**Help for the Inclusive School Project and Donation Opportunities**
The inclusive school project appreciates any form of support, whether it be sharing the post on social media, expressing opinions in the comments, or sponsoring one of the children. Donations can also be made by bank transfer to sustainably support the school project. For those who would like to get actively involved, there is also the opportunity to start a birthday donation campaign and thus make a contribution to improving the living conditions of the children.
Overall, the inclusive school project offers a multitude of ways to get involved and help the local children. Every contribution, no matter how small, helps to enable a better future for the children in the school project and improve their educational opportunities. Through joint efforts and support, we can contribute to the children in the school project experiencing positive development and being able to realize their dreams.
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