**Work Assignment and School Project in Romania: An Experience Report**
The work assignment in Romania started promisingly and effectively. Under bright sunshine, the team set about doing more work than planned. The atmosphere was pleasant and everyone was able to contribute their special knowledge. Particularly pleasing was the participation of the children from the school project, who eagerly helped cook the communal meal in the afternoon and even wanted to chop the first sawn pieces of wood.
**Wood Supplies and Donations for the School Project**
Due to delayed deliveries last year, there is still leftover wood for October and November. The parent organization has already started sawing this wood. The team now hopes to receive the necessary donations for this year’s wood, and for the forester to grant permission for the school project’s wood. Unfortunately, the former mayor, who has supported the project in the past, can no longer help due to the municipal elections in the summer.
**How to Help**
There are various ways to support the school project and work assignment in Romania. One of them is to share this post to generate attention. In addition, opinions can be shared in the comments. Another option is to become a sponsor of one of the children from the school project. Organizing a birthday donation campaign is also gladly supported.
**Conclusion and Outlook**
The first day of the work assignment in Romania was extremely successful and promising. The team worked efficiently together and was able to achieve more than expected. The participation of the children from the school project was particularly pleasing and shows the great commitment of the community. Despite some challenges, such as procuring wood and lack of political support, the team remains optimistic and hopes for the help of supporters and donors to further advance the school project. Every contribution counts and can make a big difference.
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* Verwendunszweck: Schulprojekt
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