**Summer 2024: Creative Team Games for Children**
In the second week of the summer camp, we sawed some cubes with Falko from Balken, which were painted and numbered by the children. Equipped with hooks and ropes, a team game was created that requires patience and skill. This game is intended to bring the group together as a team and has already been successfully tested. We hope that our dear Vali will use it regularly to further strengthen the team dynamics.
**Creative Games for the Summer Time**
Designing creative games for children in the summer is a great way to promote their social skills and strengthen cohesion in the group. Through joint designing and playing, the children can not only develop their team spirit, but also unfold their creative abilities. Such activities contribute to the children having a positive and enriching experience during the summer camp.
**Opportunities for Support**
If you want to learn more about our summer projects or would like to support us, please contact us at kontakt@jonathan-ev.de. There are various ways you can help us: you can like and share this post, leave your opinion in the comments, or make a donation via Paypal or bank transfer. Any form of support is welcome and helps to advance our projects for children.
**Community Engagement for Romania**
Our work in Romania focuses on promoting the education and well-being of children. Through charitable projects like “A Roof for the Children in Dacia” and school projects, we advocate for the rights and future of children in Romania. With your donation, you can make a valuable contribution and help ensure that children in Romania have better educational and developmental opportunities.
**Diverse Opportunities for Support**
There are many ways you can support our work, whether through donations, volunteering, or passing on information. Every contribution, big or small, makes a difference and helps to sustainably improve the lives of children in Romania. We are grateful for any form of support and appreciate your interest in our work.
**Thanks to Our Supporters**
A heartfelt thank you to all our supporters and donors who enable us to implement our projects and positively influence the lives of children in Romania. Without your help and commitment, we would not be able to reach so many children and improve their future prospects. We appreciate any form of support and are grateful for your generosity.
Overall, the Summer Camp 2024 offers a variety of creative activities and games for children that not only provide fun but also promote their social skills and teamwork. Through donations and support, you can help ensure that our projects are successfully implemented and children in Romania have a better future. We thank all supporters and appreciate any form of help.
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* Jonathan e.V.
* IBAN: DE38 3506 0190 1626 7700 25
* Verwendunszweck: Schulprojekt
4. Für „Ein Dach für die Kinder in Dacia“
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