**Construction Deployment Dacia/Stein 2024: Doing Good Together in a Positive Atmosphere**

**Invitation to the construction deployment in Dacia/Stein: Do good together and enjoy a positive atmosphere**

A cozy and result-oriented construction deployment in a positive atmosphere awaits all interested parties in our intercultural housing project and new association headquarters of Copiii-Europei. From October 7 to October 11, 2024, volunteers have the opportunity to actively participate in various construction works and at the same time experience a good time in a communal atmosphere. The aim of the deployment is to renew the roof of the summer shower, install a wooden cladding for the well, and prune the willows. Participation is limited to a maximum of 6 people.

**Work tasks and conditions of the construction deployment**

The main tasks during the construction deployment include renewing the roof of the summer shower, building a wooden cladding for the well, and pruning the willows to produce firewood. The tasks are designed to be completed together in a positive atmosphere. The number of participants is limited to a maximum of 6 people to ensure efficient work.

Participants have the opportunity to arrive with various vehicles such as motorhomes, roof tents, or 4×4 vehicles. The catering and cooking organization is done communally, with the costs being divided proportionally. Accommodation options on property 318/319 and at friendly properties are free of charge. People who stay on the premises of the education and encounter center pay an overnight flat rate of 10 euros per person.

**Joint commitment and positive atmosphere**

The construction deployment offers a great opportunity to do something good together and make structural improvements. During the time in Dacia/Stein, participants can not only use their craft skills but also enjoy a community atmosphere and exchange ideas with like-minded people. The goal is to spend time in a positive atmosphere while making a concrete contribution to improving the infrastructure.

We hope that this construction deployment will not only serve to successfully complete the planned work but also as an opportunity to make new contacts and spend a good time together. The combination of commitment, community, and positive mood makes this event a special experience that will remain in the memory of all participants.

In conclusion, Frank and the team of Copiii-Europei look forward to numerous registrations and a successful implementation of this construction deployment. Through joint action and a positive attitude, we can achieve a lot and at the same time spend a good time together. We warmly invite you to become part of this special project and to make a positive impact together.

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