**Circus in Dacia/Stein: Nele and Benni Enchant Children and Seniors**
An inclusive school project in Dacia/Stein was recently enriched by Nele and Benni, two talented artists. They hosted an afternoon full of acrobatics and tricks for the children of the project and the village children. Thanks to the efforts of Valerica, Elvira, Cora, and other organizers, this inspiring event could take place.
**A Journey Full of Magic and Entertainment**
Nele and Benni continued their journey and also visited Leblang to enchant the children there. On Wednesday, a performance is scheduled at the Protestant nursing home in Fischer. A heartfelt thanks goes to Mrs. Pastor Schöll and Mrs. Aldea for organizing this special event.
Nele and Benni’s commitment goes beyond their performances. On their Instagram page “akro_bene”, they provide insights into their projects and work. These creative initiatives reflect a modern image of education and help support the children from Dacia/Stein.
**Support for the School Projects**
The support of these projects is crucial to provide children with education and inspiration. With the help of committed individuals like Frank and many others, it is possible to implement such offers during the summer holidays. By sharing, commenting, sponsoring, or donating, you too can contribute.
**Ways to Help**
There are various ways to support the school projects: By sharing posts, contributing opinions in the comments, taking on a sponsorship for a child of the project, or making a donation by bank transfer. Organizing birthday fundraising campaigns or direct donations for the project “A Roof for the Children in Dacia” are also welcome supports.
Overall, these actions show how important it is to make education, culture, and entertainment accessible to children. Through joint efforts, we can help ensure that children from various communities can benefit from such enriching experiences.
**Final Thoughts**
The encounter with Nele and Benni and the events in Dacia/Stein and surrounding communities are examples of the positive impact of artistic initiatives in education. It is inspiring to see how people are committed to promoting children and seniors and giving them unforgettable moments. Show your support too and help make these valuable projects possible.
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