**Support for Inclusive School Project in Dacia: Encounter with Nele and Benni**

**Guests Attract Guests: The Story of Nele and Benni in Dacia/Stein**

The story of Nele and Benni, who came to us in Dacia/Stein and the surrounding villages through an encounter with Michaela and Guido, is a wonderful example of how people are connected in special ways. After Michaela and Guido visited us, we stayed in touch and they even organized a fundraising campaign for our inclusive school project. On their further journey, they met Nele and Benni in Greece, two artists, to whom they told about our project. This led to the two of them coming to us and spending a great time with the children and residents of the nursing home.

**The Power of Encounters and Support for the Inclusive School Project**

It is always impressive to see how wonderful people come our way and at the same time support our inclusive school project in Dacia. The encounters with Nele and Benni not only brought joy to the local children and residents, but also showed us how important it is to support each other and to be there for each other. Their acrobatics and their positive energy enriched the community and created unforgettable moments.

**How You Can Help: Support for the School Project in Dacia**

There are various ways you can support us and our school project in Dacia. You can share this post, give us your opinion in the comments, or become a sponsor of one of the children. A donation by bank transfer is also possible. In addition, you can start a birthday fundraising campaign or donate directly for “A Roof for the Children in Dacia”. Every contribution counts and helps us ensure the education and support for the local children.

**Together for a Better Future: Commitment to Children in Romania**

Our commitment to the children in Romania goes beyond the school project. We advocate for their rights and provide them with support, education, and a loving community. With your help, we can achieve even more and provide the children with a better future. Every contribution, whether through donations, sponsorships, or volunteer work, is valuable and important for our work on site.

**Diverse Opportunities for Support and Collaboration**

There are numerous ways you can get involved and support us. Whether as a sponsor of a child, through fundraising campaigns, volunteer work on site, or organizing events – your support makes a big difference. We are grateful for any form of help and appreciate any support that contributes to us achieving even more for the children in Romania together.

**Become Part of Our Community: Together for a Better Future**

We warmly invite you to become part of our community and join us in fighting for a better future for the children in Romania. Your commitment, your donations, and your support are invaluable and contribute to us being able to sustainably improve the living conditions of the children. Together, we can achieve great things and offer the children a hopeful perspective.

**Final Thoughts and Gratitude for Any Form of Support**

In conclusion, we would like to thank everyone who supports us in our commitment to the children in Romania. Every contribution, big or small, is significant and helps us ensure the education, care, and support of the children. We are grateful for any form of support and look forward to new members in our community who are committed to a better future for the children. Thank you for your support and commitment!

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* Jonathan e.V.
* IBAN: DE38 3506 0190 1626 7700 25
* Verwendunszweck: Schulprojekt
4. Für „Ein Dach für die Kinder in Dacia
spendet hier: betterplace.org/p114993