**Inclusive School Project: Autumn Harvest, Communal Gardening and Cooking**

**Autumn Harvest in the Inclusive School Project: Communal Gardening and Cooking**

The autumn week is coming to an end and the inclusive school project is busy harvesting. The garden and school garden of the project bless the children and adolescents with fresh fruits and vegetables. Some of the food is used directly for the daily meals, while the rest is stored for the winter. Elvira supports the girls and boys with her loving nature in the preparation of the meals.

**Thanks to Elvira and all Supporters**

Elvira plays an important role in the inclusive school project by accompanying the children and adolescents during cooking. Her commitment and support are highly appreciated by all participants. A heartfelt thank you goes not only to Elvira, but also to all donors who make the project possible with their various contributions and donations.

**Ways to Support the School Project**

There are various ways to support the inclusive school project. One of them is to share this post to make more people aware of the project. Leaving comments or starting a birthday donation campaign are also helpful measures to support the school project. In addition, there is the opportunity to become a sponsor of one of the children in the project.

**Communal Commitment for a Better Future**

The inclusive school project thrives on the community and the commitment of many people. With the support of the donors and volunteers, it is possible to offer the children and adolescents a better future. The communal gardening and cooking not only strengthens the community, but also imparts important skills and values to the young people.

**Valuable Experiences through Practical Activities**

The practical activities in the school garden and in the kitchen provide the children and adolescents with valuable experiences. They learn how to handle food, prepare meals, and the value of communal work. These experiences shape the young people and contribute to their development of responsibility and appreciation for food.

**Inclusion and Diversity in School Life**

In the inclusive school project, diversity is a priority. Children and adolescents with different backgrounds and abilities work together in the garden and kitchen. This diversity enriches the school project and allows the young people to learn from each other and support each other.

**Sustainability and Preparation for the Cold Season**

Storing fruits and vegetables for the winter is an important step towards sustainability. By preparing the food for the cold season, the children and adolescents can benefit from fresh and healthy food even in the winter months. These preparations also teach the young people the value of stockpiling and sustainability.

**Strong Together: Cohesion in the Inclusive School Project**

The cohesion and support within the inclusive school project are impressive. The communal activities, such as gardening and cooking, strengthen the bond between the children and adolescents and the caregivers. Through the shared work and shared meals, not only delicious meals are prepared, but also relationships and friendships are built.

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