**Assistance for Children in Romania: Joint Projects and Challenges – Support Needed for Winter Firewood**

The article describes the final days of a work mission in Romania, where guests from Germany, together with Romanian colleagues and children, complete various tasks. It reports on completed projects such as painting a floor, repairing a roof, and installing a well casing. The shared time is used to play with the children of the school project and offer individual wishes and tutoring. Despite the completed work, the organization of firewood for the upcoming winter is a concern. Financial support is requested to ensure that the children of the school project can stay warm in winter.

**The Shared Time with the Children:**
The time spent with the children of the school project is described as particularly enriching. In addition to playing together, individual care is offered in the form of tutoring and fulfilling wishes. The children appreciate the attention and the shared moments, which provide a welcome change from their everyday life.

**Challenges in Organizing the Firewood:**
Despite completed projects, the concern about organizing firewood for the upcoming winter remains. Financial support is urgently needed to ensure that the children of the school project are adequately supplied with firewood during the cold season. The call for help is directed at everyone who can and wants to participate.

The shared time is used not only for work but also to enjoy the tranquility of the village. Evening observations such as the “cow migration” and the communal campfire provide relaxation and a sense of community. It is these small moments of peace and connection that make the stay special.

The support from Juliane and her family is particularly highlighted, as they have already provided financial assistance. This shows that even small contributions can make a big difference. The appeal is directed at everyone who also wants to get involved, whether through financial support or ideas for organizing the firewood.

In conclusion, the article calls for sharing the post, leaving your opinion in the comments, becoming a sponsor of a child of the school project, or starting a birthday donation campaign. The variety of ways to support shows that everyone can contribute in their own way to giving the children of the school project a better future.

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