**School project in Dacia: Support for needy children**
Thanks to the generous donations from the ev. Church community Dresden Plauen, the AWO-Hort Dresden, and other private donors, the school project in Dacia regularly receives food for the children. These donations ensure the children a daily meal, often prepared together with Elvira. Currently, 21 children attend the school project 4 days a week. Despite the tremendous support, the monthly costs for the children’s care amount to 300€. Any financial support, whether through one-time donations or monthly sponsorships, is therefore warmly welcomed.
**How you can help**
1. **Share and Like:** Support the school project by sharing and liking this post.
2. **Give Feedback:** Let us know your opinion in the comments to further improve the project.
3. **Become a Food Sponsor:** Take on a sponsorship for the children’s food supply.
4. **Donate:** Support the school project via Paypal or bank transfer to Jonathan e.V. (BIC: DENODED1DKD, IBAN: DE38 3506 0190 1626 7700 25, Purpose: Food-School Project).
5. **Additional Donation Project:** For “A Roof for the Children in Dacia” you can donate via betterplace.org/p114993.
The donations not only contribute to the children’s nutrition but also enable education and support in a loving environment. The initiative in Dacia advocates for children’s rights, education, and solidarity, thereby promoting inclusion and the well-being of children in the region.
The school project in Dacia not only provides the children with a meal but also offers educational programs, holiday activities, and exchange programs. The support through sponsorships and donations helps to sustainably improve the children’s quality of life and offer them a better future perspective.
Collaboration with local institutions and donation organizations allows addressing the children’s needs specifically and promoting their individual development. Every contribution, whether small or large, makes a significant difference in the lives of the children in Dacia.
**Closing words**
The school project in Dacia relies on the support of people like you to provide the children with healthy nutrition and educational opportunities. Your commitment can have a direct impact on these children’s lives and positively shape their future. Help strengthen the school project in Dacia and give the children a better perspective.
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* Jonathan e.V.
* IBAN: DE38 3506 0190 1626 7700 25
* Verwendunszweck: Schulprojekt
4. Für „Ein Dach für die Kinder in Dacia“
spendet hier: betterplace.org/p114993