**Warm Meals in School Project: Making Children Full and Happy**

**Warm Meals in School Project – Every Child Deserves to be Full and Happy**

In our school project, we are committed to ensuring that every child receives a warm meal in winter. Many families in the village do not have the opportunity to feed themselves adequately, especially in the cold months. With your donation, we can ensure that every child gets a warm meal that not only satisfies hunger but also provides warmth and security. Every contribution, no matter how small, makes a big difference and helps us to bring about positive change in the lives of the children.

**Elvira’s Daily Cooking Skills for the Children**

Our dear Elvira cooks a delicious soup, pasta, or a tasty dessert for the children every day. Thanks to your support, we can ensure that the children in the school project do not have to go home hungry. Elvira’s cooking skills not only fill their bellies but also provide the children with warmth and security during the cold season.

**How Can You Help?**

1. Share and like this post to raise awareness of our school project.
2. Let us know in the comments what you think of our initiative and how you would like to help.
3. Become a food sponsor for the school project and support us regularly with a donation.
4. Donate via Paypal or bank transfer. Every euro helps to buy fresh ingredients for the meals.
5. Also support the project “A Roof for the Children in Dacia” at betterplace.org/p114993.

**Together for a Better Future**

Thanks to your support, we can together bring about a positive change in the lives of the children. Every child deserves to be full and happy. Let’s ensure together that no child in the school project has to stay hungry and that they receive the security and warmth they need. Your donations make all this possible and show the children that they are not alone.

**Contact Us for More Information**

If you want to learn more about our school project or have any questions, feel free to contact us at: kontakt@jonathan-ev.de. We appreciate your interest and support. Together we can make a big difference and provide a better future for the children.

**Closing Words: Thank You for Your Solidarity**

Thank you to all supporters who have already donated and are committed to our school project. Your help makes a big difference in the lives of the children and gives them hope and joy. Let’s continue to fight together for a better future and ensure that every child has the chance of a warm meal and a happy life. Thank you for your solidarity and commitment!

Wenn ihr mehr wissen möchtet, kontaktiert uns gerne unter:

So könnt ihr helfen:

1. Liked und teilt diesen Beitrag
2. Lasst uns eure Meinung in den Kommentaren wissen
3. Spende per Paypal oder per Banküberweisung:
* Jonathan e.V.
* IBAN: DE38 3506 0190 1626 7700 25
* Verwendunszweck: Schulprojekt
4. Für „Ein Dach für die Kinder in Dacia
spendet hier: betterplace.org/p114993