**Baking for a Good Cause: A Day Full of Joy and Treats**
On an autumn morning, we baked and prepared sweet treats together with the children of the school project in Dacia in the kitchen of the Education and Encounter Centre. Teamwork was at the heart of this day, where the kids got to enjoy chocolate oatmeal cookies and chocolate crispies. It was a day full of laughter, shared learning, and unforgettable moments that we will all remember fondly.
**Educational Values and Practical Life Skills**
Our educational approach goes beyond mere knowledge transfer. We place importance on equipping the children with practical life skills that they can apply in their everyday lives. Through baking and cooking together, important skills such as teamwork, creativity, and responsibility are promoted. These experiences are crucial in providing the children with a holistic education and giving them space for development and discovery.
**How You Can Help**
There are various ways you can support us so that we can continue to carry out such projects. You can like and share this post, leave your opinion in the comments, or even become a food sponsor for the school project. If you want to help financially, you can donate via Paypal or bank transfer. The account details can be found below. Every contribution counts and helps us to enable a better future for the children in Dacia.
**A Sustainable Commitment to Education and Solidarity**
Our commitment to the children in Dacia is not limited to individual actions, but is long-term. We advocate for children’s rights, promote education for all, and create inclusive offers that help children reach their full potential. Together with our supporters and partners, we work to improve the living conditions of the children in Dacia sustainably and to bring about positive changes.
**A Roof for the Children in Dacia: Donate for a Better Future**
If you too want to be part of this movement and enable a better future for the children in Dacia, you can donate at betterplace.org/p114993. Every Euro counts and helps us to improve the educational opportunities of the children and to change their living situation sustainably. We thank all supporters and donors who help us make a positive contribution to the lives of the children in Dacia.
**Closing Words**
Overall, the baking day at the Education and Encounter Centre was a complete success. The children’s beaming faces and the shared moments will remain in our memory for a long time. We are grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the education and well-being of the children in Dacia and hope that many people will continue to stand in solidarity with us and together advocate for a better future for the children.
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* Jonathan e.V.
* IBAN: DE38 3506 0190 1626 7700 25
* Verwendunszweck: Schulprojekt
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