**A special wish comes true: Alin receives a tricycle**
In the summer of 2023, we received a moving plea for help. Alin, a long-time participant in our inclusive school project, never had the opportunity to attend a suitable school due to his learning difficulties. Thanks to the school project, he was able to learn basic skills such as reading, writing, and arithmetic in young adulthood – a great wish of his mother so that he could write his name and handle money. Alin is very enthusiastic and an important part of the group, helping, for example, with chopping wood for the stoves. But one thing was still missing: riding a bike.
**A generous gift from Germany**
The request to enable Alin to have a tricycle deeply touched us. Back in Germany, we spread the request and promptly received a generous donation of a bicycle from the Automeisterei, through Torsten. The tricycle was well packed and sent on its way with other donations. Upon Alin’s arrival, the joy about the bicycle was huge for him and his mother. After initial difficulties in riding, the bicycle is now firmly part of Alin’s everyday life in Dacia. Together with his mother, he now also helps other villagers with various tasks.
**Thanks to the Automeisterei and the importance of donations**
A heartfelt thank you goes to the Automeisterei for their generous donation. This action illustrates how important and sustainable such individual donations can be. They change and promote participation in the community and enable people like Alin to better integrate and actively participate in village life. It shows how a small gesture can have a big impact and can positively change a person’s life in the long term.
**Contact us for more information**
If you want to learn more about our projects or how you can support, do not hesitate to contact us at kontakt@jonathan-ev.de. We appreciate any form of support and are happy to help make the world a better place for people like Alin. Follow us on social media to stay informed about further actions and aid projects. Every donation, no matter how small, can make a big difference in the lives of people like Alin. Give something back and be part of a positive change!
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* IBAN: DE38 3506 0190 1626 7700 25
* Verwendunszweck: Schulprojekt
4. Für „Ein Dach für die Kinder in Dacia“
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