**Successful Roof Renovation 2022: Review of the Renovation of the Jonathan e.V. Education and Meeting Center**

The blog post provides a review of the roof renovation of the Jonathan e.V. Education and Meeting Center in 2022. Despite initial concerns, the project was successfully completed, thanks to skillful coordination and generous donations. The roofing work posed challenges to the team, but they were overcome with commitment to ensure the safety of the children of the school project. The article concludes with ways readers can help.

**A successful roof renovation thanks to generous donations:**
The general assembly of Jonathan e.V. decided in 2022 to start the project for the roof renovation of the Education and Meeting Center. Thanks to efficient donation coordination and innovative software, €43,168.93 of the required €52,483 have already been collected. This demonstrates the solidarity and support of the community in implementing important projects.

**Challenges and commitment during the roofing work:**
The roofing work began in June 2024 and posed challenges to the team. However, they overcame these with tireless effort and commitment. The radiant new roof of the center now ensures the safety of the children of the school project. This success is proof of the cohesion and determination to achieve important goals.

**How you can help:**
The article concludes with concrete ways readers can help. These include sharing and liking the post, leaving comments, and making donations via Paypal or bank transfer. In addition, a specific donation opportunity for the school project is highlighted. Every form of support is valuable and contributes to the successful implementation of important projects like the roof renovation.

Every contribution counts and helps to effect positive changes in the community. Be part of this solidarity movement and support projects like the roof renovation of the Jonathan e.V. Education and Meeting Center together with many other committed people. Your help makes a significant difference and contributes to creating a safe and supportive environment for children.

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* Jonathan e.V.
* IBAN: DE38 3506 0190 1626 7700 25
* Verwendunszweck: Schulprojekt
4. Für „Ein Dach für die Kinder in Dacia
spendet hier: betterplace.org/p114993