**School Project in Dacia: Intercultural Encounters and Educational Support**

**School Project in Dacia: A Sign of Solidarity and Education for All**

Since 2015, a kind-hearted individual has been involved with fourth graders from the Evang. Schulzentrum Radebeul in an inclusive school project in Dacia. Despite the interruption caused by the Corona pandemic, the commitment to intercultural exchange and mutual enrichment remains unbroken. The children learn from each other, exchange experiences, and discover the diversity of cultures. Through these encounters, they should be able to shape the world together as adults.

**A Journey Full of Encounters and Cultural Discoveries**

Upon arrival in Dacia, the German children encounter not only a dedicated teacher and their classmates, but also the impressive village life, fortified churches, and the famous Dracula Castle. Despite language barriers, they communicate with hands and feet, laugh together, and share meals. These intercultural experiences shape the children and sustainably broaden their horizons.

**How You Can Help: Donate and Support**

Would you like to be part of this solidarity school project? There are various ways you can help. Share the report on social media to raise awareness, or leave your thoughts in the comments. You can also donate directly, either via Paypal or by bank transfer to the Jonathan e.V. with the purpose “School Project”. Another option is to donate for “A Roof for the Children in Dacia” via betterplace.org.

**Commitment to Children’s Rights and Education**

Supporting school projects like this one helps ensure that children, regardless of their origin, have access to education and equal opportunities. Thanks to the commitment of many volunteer helpers and donors, encounters between children from different countries can take place and they can learn from each other. These experiences shape them sustainably and contribute to the promotion of solidarity and understanding.

**Student Exchange and Intercultural Encounters**

The exchange between students from different countries is a valuable experience that promotes tolerance, openness, and intercultural understanding. Through encounters like these, prejudices can be broken down and new friendships can be formed. This contributes to children and young people growing up to be open-minded and responsible adults who advocate for a fairer world.

**A Sign of Solidarity and Support**

The school project in Dacia is an example of lived solidarity and support for disadvantaged children and young people. Through the voluntary commitment of many people, education for all is made possible and a sign of hope is set. Every contribution, whether through donations, participation in projects, or sharing information, helps ensure that children worldwide have better future prospects.

**Conclusion: Together for a Better World**

The school project in Dacia shows how important intercultural encounters and education are for a fairer world. Through the commitment of volunteer helpers and generous donors, new perspectives are opened up for children and solidarity is lived. Would you also like to be part of this movement and make a contribution? Every support counts and helps ensure that children worldwide have the chance for a better future.

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* Jonathan e.V.
* IBAN: DE38 3506 0190 1626 7700 25
* Verwendunszweck: Schulprojekt
4. Für „Ein Dach für die Kinder in Dacia
spendet hier: betterplace.org/p114993