**Travel Report 2024: Discovering Village Life, Community, and School Projects**

**Travel report by Dorothee from the summer of 2024, Part 2**

In part 2 of Dorothee’s travel report from the summer of 2024, we experience how she encounters an unexpected challenge in a village: Clean water is hard to find, and the first source where she wanted to fetch water has dried up. Despite the simple way of life in the village, Dorothee discovers fascinating aspects, such as the traditional custom of the older residents sitting together in front of their houses. This encounter inspires her to reflect on the contrast to the hectic everyday life and digital isolation in her own world.

**The Beauty of Simplicity and the Appreciation of Community**

The encounter with the villagers opens Dorothee’s eyes to the beauty of simplicity and the importance of community. As she strolls through the streets, she observes the people gathering in a way that has been lost in her own world. This experience awakens in her the desire to understand the language and interact with the locals. It becomes clear how valuable it is to change perspective and recognize the treasures hidden in other ways of life.

**The School Project as a Ray of Hope**

Dorothee not only gets to know the beauty of village life but also the school project that offers the children a future perspective. The lovingly designed classrooms and the commitment of the teachers show how important education and care are for all children, even for those who are often overlooked. Through this project, the children get a chance they might never have had otherwise. It becomes clear how much education and community can contribute to changing the lives of young people and giving hope.

**Support and Solidarity in Action**

Dorothee’s travel report shows how important it is to stand up for others and show solidarity. The support of the crowdfunding on betterplace.org/p114993 makes it possible to support projects like the school project in the village and to give the children a better future. The hashtags at the end of the report highlight the diverse topics addressed by this commitment, from children’s rights to volunteering, solidarity, and inclusion. Every contribution, whether through donations or volunteering, can make a big difference in the lives of those who need our help the most.

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* Jonathan e.V.
* IBAN: DE38 3506 0190 1626 7700 25
* Verwendunszweck: Schulprojekt
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