The sun had not been up for long when Seagull Jonathan stretched her wings and took to the skies. Her destination this morning: a small village, deep in the heart of Romania. She had landed there often before, to keep company with the children in an old parsonage. Many of them had little – little to eat, few resources, little prospect of a carefree future. Yet, she always encountered shining eyes and warm-hearted spirits there.

Today was different. From afar, Jonathan sensed a special mood in the air. The people seemed determined and gathered. “What could it be about?” she wondered, and swooped lower until she was circling directly above the school building. In the courtyard, she recognized volunteers who were laughing together, holding posters, and eagerly talking to each other. A big word stood out on one of the signs: “Justice”.
Jonathan remembered: Today was World Day of Social Justice. A day when many people around the world draw attention to the fact that not everyone has the same opportunities. Jonathan landed gently, strutted into the courtyard and heard a warm voice: “We want all the children here to get a fair chance – that’s why we’ve come together.”
She thought about how she had once learned to fly beyond borders to experience freedom. Now she saw that for these people it was just as much about breaking down barriers: poverty, prejudice, lack of education. They had understood that true justice grows when we take responsibility for each other.
A helper bent down to Jonathan as if he had been expecting her. “We are not many,” he said with a smile, “but what we have, we share. So the children here get lessons and a meal – something that is far from a matter of course for many.” Jonathan tilted her head to the side and thought of the seagulls who once hesitated to learn new things. If back then only a single bird had the courage to break boundaries, how much more could a whole group achieve that believes in solidarity and cohesion?
With this thought, Jonathan spread her wings. As she took off, she sent a loud call across the courtyard, as if to say: “Social justice begins where we stand up for each other!” High up in the clear morning air, she felt a deep satisfaction. She had understood today that each of us can be a part of this change – no matter how small we may feel.
As she moved on, she carried the realization in her heart: When people stand together, the world becomes a bit more just. And with every kind word, with every piece of bread, with every helping hand, this justice grows – just like Jonathan’s wings, which gain more breadth with every flight.
World Day of Social Justice
The World Day of Social Justice was established by the United Nations and is observed every year on February 20. It aims to raise awareness of social justice as an essential element of peaceful and prosperous coexistence. The focus is on issues such as poverty, exclusion, unemployment, human rights, and gender equality.The day was decided upon during the UN General Assembly in 2007 and first observed in 2009. The goal is to sensitize governments, organizations, and the general public to social inequalities and to call for joint action. The idea is that socially just and inclusive societies are indispensable for sustainable development.
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