**Travel Report Summer 2024 in Romania: A Country of Contrasts**
Romania – a country full of contrasts. This is reflected in the variety of impressions that Dorothee collected during her summer stay in 2024. From shiny, air-conditioned shops that leave little to be desired, to the unvarnished poverty that poses great challenges for many people. A special moment that brings these contrasts to the point is the scene of a horse-drawn carriage in front of a supermarket – an image that perfectly captures the complexity of Romania.
**Time Stands Still in Dacia**
In the village of Dacia, time seems to have stood still. Old, dilapidated houses of the Transylvanians bear witness to a past splendor that is slowly but surely fading. The inhabitants who once lived in these houses have moved away, in search of better living conditions. Those who cannot afford to leave this place remain. Roma, living in the poorest conditions, populate the abandoned houses and are trapped in a cycle of poverty. The traces of need are visible everywhere, even things from the former rectory, which serves as a school project, disappear at regular intervals.
**The Challenges of the Roma Community**
The Roma community in Romania faces great challenges. Often on the fringes of society, they fight daily against prejudice and discrimination. Their living conditions are characterized by poverty, lack of access to education, and inadequate healthcare. Nevertheless, many Roma try to build a better future and offer their children a perspective. Projects and initiatives aimed at strengthening the Roma community therefore play an important role in the development of the country.
**Commitment to a Better Future**
Dorothee’s travel report highlights the importance of commitment and solidarity in Romania. Projects like the school project in the former rectory contribute to offering children and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds a better future perspective. Through education and support, they can break the cycle of poverty and realize their dreams. Every contribution, whether in the form of donations or voluntary work, makes a big difference in the lives of many people.
**The Path to More Inclusion and Equal Opportunities**
There is still much to do in Romania to ensure inclusion and equal opportunities for all people. In particular, children and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds need support to develop their potentials. Through targeted educational offers, social projects, and measures to combat poverty, the situation of many people can be sustainably improved. It is up to all of us to work together to build a fairer society.
**A Call for Solidarity and Support**
Dorothee’s travel report is not just a snapshot from Romania, but also a call for solidarity and support. Each of us can make a contribution to improve living conditions in disadvantaged regions. Be it through donations, voluntary commitment, or conscious consumer behavior – every action counts and can bring about positive change. Let us stand together to ensure that all people receive the same opportunities and can live in a fairer world.
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